A.J. Gammond Ltd The Yard Clevelode Road

Refund Policy

Missing, Damaged or Incorrect Orders

If you do not receive all your products, please email us at enquiries@ajgammond.com or telephone 01684 310459. Unless the Company receives from the customer written notice of a claim for wrong delivery or damage to, or loss of, goods, within 10 days of expected delivery then the lack of such written notice shall be conclusively deemed to show acceptance of goods as being delivered fully, in accordance with the delivery note.

  • If your products arrive damaged or faulty, please follow the instructions in the delivery documents.
  • In the unlikely event that the goods are not available we will do everything we can to get the product as quickly as possible and will keep you notified by email or telephone.


You can cancel your purchase at any time either before or up to 7 days after delivery by:

  • returning the product, unopened and in pristine condition, please enclose your receipt.
  • following the ‘Returns’ instructions in your delivery documentation
  • emailing us at enquiries@ajgammond.com
  • phoning us on 01684 310459– please have your order reference number and delivery details to hand.
  • writing to us at AJ Gammond Agricultural Stores, The Yard Clevelode Lane Guarlford Malvern Worcestershire WR13 6PA
  • We cannot cancel your purchase when the goods were to your specific specifications.

The goods must be complete, unused and in ‘as new’ condition – if you have opened the box/ packaging to examine the product you must have done so without damaging or marking the product.

Goods should be returned with the original box, packing and all accessories. Any ‘Free Gifts’ received with the product must also be returned.

You will receive a full refund within 30 days of notification to cancel and the cancellation is free of charge provided you return the goods to us. You must pay the postage or courier charges for returning the goods to us.

Exchange of Clothing

We have provided a sizing chart for your use and strongly recommend you check this before ordering. In the case of clothing still being the wrong size, such goods must be returned unworn and in pristine condition in original packaging, within 10 days of delivery at the purchaser’s cost.

We will send you, at no extra postage/carriage cost, the size you require by return, providing we have the item in stock. In the event of clothing being returned after 10 days a postage and handling cost applicable to the garment will be charged.

Return of Faulty Goods

Please also see our Shipping and Returns policy.

The following are guidelines for all goods ordered for delivery. Wherever possible we will respond to your individual circumstances.

Some of our goods carry a manufacturer’s guarantee. In these circumstances the manufacturer’ guarantee will apply. If there is a fault (or other defect), with your product within 3 months of delivery we will normally offer a prompt repair, exchange, or refund. We will always offer you the choice of an exchange or refund if the fault occurs within 28 days of delivery.

To qualify for a refund or exchange the product must be:

  • in ‘as-new’ condition
  • complete with any accessories and any free gifts offered with it (and, if possible, the original box and packaging)

Please return the product to:

AJ Gammond Agricultural Stores, The Yard Clevelode Lane Guarlford Malvern Worcestershire WR13 6PA or contact our office on: 01684 310459 9:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday.